Hemp seeds grow upon the ?cannabis sativa? plant and are known to contain all 9 of the essential amino acids that the body cannot produce by itself. Amino acids form the building blocks of protein, a macronutrient essential for the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. Sourced from a specialist supplier in Romania, our hulled hemp seeds offer an excellent way to boost protein intake.
Cultivation of hemp has taken place for centuries, notably in China where it was used in 8000 BC to produce fibre for paper making. Throughout history, hemp has had a variety of uses including being used to make fabric, canvas for sails and to produce oil. In 1533, King Henry VIII even made it law for farmers to cultivate hemp to produce ropes, sails and nets, as well as other naval equipment.
Our hemp seeds are cold processed where they are cracked open and shelled to reveal the protein-packed hearts. They are also rich in fibre and polyunsaturated fats.